July’s Lent: The 21st Century Home Workout

Early on in high school, I discovered my mom’s treasure trove of workout VHS tapes from the 80s and early 90s. Exercising outside of gym class was a new and intriguing concept for me, so I spent a good chunk of time working my way through all the different types of workout tapes in her collection. Countless hours were spent doing sit-ups with Tony Little, belly dancing with Neena and Veena, kickboxing my way through Tao Bo with Billy Blanks, and learning sun salutations from Kathy Smith—just to name a few.

My interest in the home workout waned once I had free access to a gym in college though, and for the last few years I was lucky enough to work for a company that paid for any fitness class I wanted to take (pretty sweet benefit, right?), so I’ve been primarily getting my workout on outside of the home. Now that I don’t have the luxury of working out for free whenever I want though, I need to figure out an affordable way to stay in shape. Hello, home workout—21st century style.

This month my goal is to navigate my way through the internet’s plethora of free workouts, whether it be through fitness sites, blogs, YouTube, or Pinterest (I’ve surprisingly found a bunch of really good ones on there), and report back my best finds to you guys. Hopefully by the end of the month I’ll have a whole host of good options for getting in shape on the cheap.

Anyone have any favorite home workout resources to share with me?


I plan to make my way through all of these while I’m home visiting my family on the Cape this week.



3 thoughts on “July’s Lent: The 21st Century Home Workout

    • YogaGlo leaves a bad taste in my mouth because of their lawsuit last year when patented the online yoga class and forced every other company to remove any online classes they were filmed in a certain way. It was really nasty and ill-spirited of them, and Yoga International, whom I love, was effected in a negative way so I don’t like to support them in any way.

      Prancersize on the other hand gets an A+ in my book.

  1. Oh my god I had no idea about any of that! There’s no way I can feel ok about supporting them now. What a stupid thing to try and patent. No yoga teacher anywhere should subscribe to YogaGlo. Ugh. That makes me feel so icky. I’ll stick with yogatoday.com …and I expect to see a video of you prancersizing! (Just make sure it’s not in a class setting with an open corridor and an unobstructed line of sight to the instructor. But if it is, make sure it’s filmed from above three feet off the ground.)

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