The “Lent List”

The master list of 6 years of monthly Lents:

  1. January Journals: Half hour of journal writing each day
  2. Diet Clean-Up: No dairy, high fructose corn syrup, artificial flavors, or alcohol
  3. Litterbug March: Pick up every piece of trash I come across—yep, everything.
  4. Trash-Free Month: Make no trash for one month bringing new meaning to the 3 R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
  5. Get Connected: Communicate with someone everyday whom I don’t speak with on a regular basis in any form
  6. The 100 Mile Diet: Consume only food and drink that was grown/produced within a 100 mile radius
  7. Green October: Make a different “green” change in my life every day
  8. Random Acts of Kindness: Go out of my way each day to spread kindness and positivity
  9. The Fun Project: Do something that’s purely for fun each day
  10. Miser March: Channel my inner miser and live within my means
  11. Eat More Kale: Eat kale (in some form) every day
  12. The 5 to 9: Eat the governments daily recommended serving of fruits and veggies every day (easier said than done)
  13. 100 Things: Get rid of 100 possessions each week
  14. 28 Days of Drawing: Take time out to draw each day
  15. Danne’s Kitchen: Make 3 new recipes each week
  16. Sixing: Limit my wardrobe to only 6 items (yep, seriously)
  17. Soxing: Become a diehard Red Sox fan
  18. Summer Bucket List: A 3-month long list of summer fun
  19. GOOD’s 30 Day Challenge: Connect With People, inspired by GOOD
  20. 30-Day Photo Challenge: Make pictures each day
  21. I Love Watertown: Get out and explore my town
  22. DIY December: Tackle 3 DIY projects each week
  23. JFDI January: Get my design portfolio website up and running (still working on this one, whoops…)
  24. The 21 Day Cleanse: Follow a strict detox plan by Whole Living Magazine (RIP Whole Living, sad face)
  25. Technology Detox: Limit my technology usage
  26. Microphilanthropy May: Give away $30 creatively in 30 days
  27. Tuesday’s With Grammy: Record my family’s history with my grandmother
  28. The Wallet Diet: Scrimp, save and stick to a strict budget
  29. The Movie Challenge: Watch some of the classics that I haven’t seen
  30. Be a Bookworm: Read a book a week all month
  31. My 7 Golden Rules of Christmas: Keep with a strict health & wellness plan to stay sane during the holidays
  32. A Smoothie A Day (or Vitameatavitamix): Breakin’ in the new Vitamix with a smoothie a day
  33. A Word A Day: Expanding my vocabulary, one word and one day at a time
  34. Portion Control: Consuming only the suggested serving size of everything I eat
  35. 10,000 Steps: Strap on a pedometer and make sure to log the recommended 10,000 steps a day
  36. Memory Lane: Record my favorite life memories one by one
  37. Become a Ukulady: Learn to play the ukulele
  38. The “No Lent” Lent: A little lent timeout to remember what it’s like to live without a monthly challenge
  39. The Intention Journal: Record a daily intention each morning
  40. Sweat Once A Day: Do some form of exercise that causes me to break a sweat every day
  41. The Holiday Survival Guide, Part 2:  A second take on least year’s strict self-care regimen to survive the holidays
  42. Braids, Buns, and Twists: Trying out as many hairstyles as I can from the book, Braids, Buns, and Twists
  43. The Gratitude Journal: Keeping a daily gratitude log with the help of the app Gratitude! by Happy Tapper
  44. 30 Days of Writing: A throwback to my very first challenge. 30 days of daily writing, this time in any form
  45. Be An Early Riser: Break my sleeping-in habit and get myself out of bed at a reasonable hour
  46. Mile A Day May: Run a mile every single day
  47. The 21st Century Home Workout: Navigating my way through the internet’s best at-home workouts

3 thoughts on “The “Lent List”

  1. I just found your blog via Lululemon and I’m so happy to find someone crazy about monthly challenges like me!! My goal this year is to do twelve monthly challenges (like you!). I don’t know if I’ll keep going after this year but now I’m kind of inspired!

    • That’s awesome Danielle, I love meeting other personal challenge enthusiasts like myself. I’ll be sure to check out your blog too, thanks for reading!

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